Switch & Ditch
Jan 25, 2023Go from toxic to natural - at your own pace!
A lot of people I know are anxious about living a more natural / toxic-free lifestyle, either because they have NO IDEA where to start. Or they think it’s this huge undertaking and extremely expensive (especially if you live abroad).
But both of these doubts / fears / anxious thoughts are not true and I hope I can demonstrate why. Here is my story!
There are 2 main reasons why I decided to ditch the harmful and more toxic items in my life and find natural alternatives:
- I was pregnant - it wasn’t just me I was responsible for anymore. Whatever I put on and essentially into my body would affect the little being growing inside of me. - that was the BIGGEST REASON
- I was tired of constantly having to find new products to use in my expat life, where I was moving all the time - and often to countries I cannot even read the ingredient labels (plus, who has time to read them all the time anyways, right?)
I hate wasting things, so I didn’t do the whole dramatic “throwing everything away and buying new products” thing, but rather I went on a SWITCH & DITCH journey!
Every time I would finish a product, instead of going to the shops and re-buying it, I would replace it with a more natural product.
Until eventually - pretty much everything was changed (pretty much….you know 80/20 rule! And that process took me about 2 years! You heard correct, it DOESN’T have to happen overnight. You do it at your own pace, but starting to change gradually is better than not doing it at all.
I started with the bathroom - all my personal hygiene items like shampoos, shower gel, lotions, toothpaste, then eventually I did all the cleaning products and lastly my make up.
Of course my baby was a complete OILY baby from the get go - and if you have questions on how to use oils for babies, or which baby products to use, you can find loads of resources here , but my favourite quick guide is How to use Essential Oils for your Little Ones.
So, here are some reasons and hopefully a starting point on how you, too can start on this SWITCH & DITCH journey in a way that feels right for you!
I think there are a million things we can say about this - but what I really learned is that INHALING all of these fragrances, parfumes and other toxic-yet-pretty-smelling things is HORRIBLE. Especially when you have kids around, too!
I talked to so many pregnant moms and moms who just had babies, and a lot of them chose not to wear perfumes anymore. WHY?
Because they wanted to protect their baby in their tummies or their newborns skin, so they could kiss and snuggle them without worrying. AHA.
SO THEY KNEW! They knew that they put harmful things on their skin. They want to protect their babies, but why not themselves as well??
That is why I made the switch to Essential Oils, for my kids AND me! Added Bonus: it doesn’t only smell nice, but actually does something for your health, too! WIN-WIN!
Are you worried you can’t get the family on board? Especially the husband? Don’t even start with Oils, the best way is to just introduce personal care products - like toothpaste. Everyone needs to brush their teeth right?
My husband loves this toothpaste so much and says his mouth feel soooo fresh next morning still. And from there - he was keen to explore more products.
I want to move on to one of my FAVOURITE SWITCHES I ever made. The Household Cleaner. It not only gave me a peace of mind, it totally decluttered my space as well!! The space under my sink literally only has this bottle and 2 glass spray bottles, where I make my different mixes. If you want to have all the recipes with the Thieves Household Cleaner, then you can find that right here.
One bottle lasts us many months - making it super cost effective!!
Staying with the same theme, when people ask me:
"What should I switch first?”
I usually say: LAUNDRY SOAP...because what we wash with it touches our skin 24/7. Our clothes, towels, bedsheets etc......it can help tremendously to avoid skin allergies, sensitivities...and sooo many more things…
Sometimes you scan the ingredient labels of products and you think they are good, until that little word destroys it all: FRAGRANCE or Parfum. That’s usually where thousands of toxins can be hidden and DO NOT need to be disclosed by the company, as they just say that it’s their trademark/secret scent. Ugh how I hate Green Marketing!
So, grab some essential oil infused lotions instead! It is also highly recommend to everyone with dry skin or who is prone to eczema. The same applies to the shower gels. Just go natural, everyone and you can kiss your allergies and skin sensitivities goodbye! Sayonara!
The last bit in this Switch & Ditch Series I want to share is all about Supplements.
To be honest, I didn't know too much about supplements before, let alone what I need in my body.
What I learned shocked me. We are supposed to supplement for things we are no longer able to get naturally from our environment or food. But shockingly, most supplements (yes, even from "NATURAL BRANDS" contain synthetic ingredients. I do NOT want this for my body!
I will also share a quick video. Please take time to watch it and pay attention to the Vitamin B12 part, oh man…
Don’t be intimidated! It doesn’t have to happen overnight!
And now you’ll have me to guide you!
Ready to start? Get your natural products here!
I choose Young Living, because I trust them 100% and know I don’t have to read labels and I will get the most superior natural ingredients!
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